Terms and conditions of service
Service details
Phone: 01493295291 Pain Pals GY is a LTD company (Companies House Registration 15074732)
Email: painpalsgy@gmail.com
Director and Service Manager: Helen Hartley
Service availability
Pain Pals GY is a free voluntary service
Service users will be given an initial 2 hour assessment. All services are bespoke and designed for the needs of the individual. Session times, dates and duration of service usage will be assessed on a three month basis. With a detailed development plan being written and reviewed.
Pain Pals GY may provide a service in person at the service users home or via the internet depending on the needs of the service user and their geographical location.
Services may be suspended during time of extreme weather or other adverse conditions.
If service user wishes to travel in Pain Pals GY staff cars, they will be charged at 55p per mile and a further 10p per mile for each extra passenger.
Cancellation of services
Pain Pals GY request that its service users notify their support worker as soon as possible, when they wish to cancel an appointment. We understand that service users may cancel meetings often because of their ill health, this will not affect the terms of your service. Service users that continually miss appointments, without explanation or have no genuine need for the service, may have their service withdrawn.
Although Pain Pals GY will always try to give notice prior to cancelling a service where possible, services may be withdrawn at any time without reason or notice.
Abuse towards staff and other service users
Pain Pals GY staff volunteer to help others, it is important that our staff and service users are treated with respect at all times. We take seriously and have zero tolerance regarding bullying, harassment, threatening or abusive behaviour towards our staff and other service users. Anyone accused of such behaviour will be sent written notice of the complaint and their service may be cancelled, any behaviour deemed threatening will be reported to the police.
Attitudes and beliefs of service users
Pain Pals GY respects all its service users beliefs and values.
Comments made by services users during group sessions that are deemed distressing to other users, will be treated as verbal abuse and may lead to that persons support being cancelled.
Individual service users personal beliefs and values may not be in line with the values and beliefs of the Pain Pals GY service.
Pain Pals GY will not except any liability for the comments of service users.
Public Liability
Pain Pals GY will perform risk assessments for all premises staff regularly attend and activities that staff perform.
Pain Pals GY has public liability insurance with 5 million pounds of cover.
Pain Pals GY volunteer staff may record your video/telephone session for monitoring, staff training and legal purposes. You will be informed and asked for your consent prior to the start of any recording.
Handling of service user’s data
All information is stored and destroyed in line with current government data protection standards.
Access to your information is limited to Pain Pals GY staff and only seen by persons relevant to your service and care. Government organisations such as CQC may wish to see your personal file during regulation reviews.
In the event of needing support services from a third party, Pain Pals GY staff will ask for your consent prior to contacting those service on your behalf.
If you wish to know more about the information we keep, how it is stored or you wish for your information to be destroyed please contact us.
Pain Pals GY is governed by a director, board of trustees, a treasurer and service manager.
The board have regular meetings to discuss the progress, availability and quality of services being provided by Pain Pals GY.
Details regarding our board meetings can be made available on request.
Donations and funding
Pain Pals GY is a free, volunteer lead service that relies on donations from the local community and service user’s generosity.
All donations given to Pain Pals GY are subjected to rigours monitoring to ensure all contributions are used for appropriate purposes. Service financial information is freely available on request.
Donations excepted Sort code: 04-06-05 Acc: 20472685
Environmental policy
Pain Pals GY will ensure to provide a paperless service, where possible. Also to make sure all recyclable items are disposed of in the correct manor required.
Pain Pals GY will ensure staff travel is economical and will operate ride share schemes, where
Pain Pals GY values everything our service users, their carers and other organisations have to say about the services we provide. We would be grateful if you could take the time to write a review in one of the following places:
Google, Pain Pals Facebook page and Yell.
Complaints procedure
Pain Pals GY take complaints very seriously and have a complaints procedure. We will be happy to discuss any concerns you wish to raise about our service or staff. Please contact us for our complaints form or download it from our website.
If you need help to complete a complaints form, our staff will be happy to help you fill out the form.