Service user agreement 

If you wish to receive Pain Pals GY services, you will be required to sign to confirm you agree to these conditions:

1¨ You agree to contact your Pain Pals GY support worker, if you are unable to attend your online or in person appointment, as soon as possible.

You understand and agree that Pain Pals GY will keep your personal and medical information for legal purposes.

You understand and agree that all group sessions (If you participate) are confidential and you may not discuss anything you hear in group sessions with other people outside of the group at any time.

You understand that you may not use civil legal proceedings against other service users regarding any matter discussed during sessions or personal disagreements.

You understand and agree that you are responsible for your own physical and mental wellbeing and you will consult your general practitioner or specialist before making any changes to medication, diet, physical or mental health management.

You understand and agree that should Pain Pals GY staff be made aware of any situation regarding a risk, to your personal safety or the safety of others. They will have a legal obligation to report any concerns to official organisations e.g. medical assistance, police, adult and child services.


If you have any concerns regarding our terms or conditions, please contact our service manager 

Helen Hartley