Help Available
Support Group
Held from September 24. 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month Time: 1130-1330 Price: £3.50p
In person and online (Call for the Zoom Code)
Address: 15 Hall Quay, Great Yarmouth, NR30 1HP
Support we can offer you
Benefits and finances
Diets that help your illness
Equipment and tips to help around the home
Holistic medicines and therapies
How to tell your story to family, friends and work
Managing your home
Managing your medication
Mindfulness, relaxation and sleep
Mobility scooter training
Monitoring your health and pain
Occupational therapy
Personal Development and Goal Setting
Rebuilding and Recovery
Relationship advice and support
Researching your illness and other helpful information
Training in Health and social care course such as First Aid
Vicious circles and negative thinking
Understanding grief
Understanding your pain
Helping you understand and control your pain
We can help you and the people around you, understand what its like to live with constant pain.
•How pain affects us all differently
•How pain affects nerves, joints, muscles and the brain.
•Why pain gets worse and medication stops working.
•How pain affects your abilities, emotions and memory.
Understanding Grief and Loss
Pain, disabilities and mental health difficulty's take a lot from us and effects every part of our lives.
•Pain causes a lot of anger and sorrow
•Dealing with feelings of guilt
•Lack of ambition and motivation
•We can support you and others around you, through depression, anxiety and other mental health difficulties.
•Acceptance and hope for your future
It is important that you understand the illness you have and how it will effect you and your health.
•We will help you to understand your illness
•Relevant information on treatment options that may help you.
•We will help you find community groups and networks, that can support you and give you information about your condition.
•We can help you find others that are experiencing the same difficulties as you.
Monitoring your Health and Pain
Keeping a detailed diary is important for your continuing health and development.
Keeping notes will
•Help when confronting people who don’t believe your pain and difficulties. (keeping a pain diary)
•Tracking progress with new/current meds or treatments.
•Understanding patterns and pacing.
•Showing progress and success, not just the bad days.
Managing Medication
We may help you with:
•What medication could help you
•Understand the medication you are taking, what it is for and any common side effects.
•Making your meds work better for you
•How to keep yourself safe
•Alternatives to medication
•Managing side effects
•When to reduce your medication
Always consult your doctor before making changes
Vicious Circles and Negative Thinking
When we suffer with continuous pain, disability and mental health issues, it is often hard to find hope or to think of anything in your life as being positive. We can help you:
•Understanding patterns of behaviour that make pain worse.
•Pacing yourself not hurting yourself
•We can help you to see the good in life again
•Self reflection and understanding thought patterns.
•Noticing positive things and acting on them
•Avoiding thinking that causes potentially harmful behaviours.
Rebuilding your life
Pain, disabilities and mental health problems take so much away from us and isolates us from others.
•We will support you to reconnect with who you were and who you are now.
•Help you learn new skills
•Help you build on relationships
•Help you enjoy life and hobbies again
•Set future goals
•Learn new skills and abilities
•Add meaning to your life
Equipment and Helpful Hints
We can advise you on the latest mobility equipment, to help you keep your independence.
•Support to find carers who can help
•Learn tricks to make household tasks easier
•Learn new ways to do tasks without causing more pain
•Using tools to help reduce the impact of day to day living with your pain.
•Helpful tips and items that make personal hygiene, cooking, eating and cleaning easier.
•Ways to make you more comfortable
Physio and staying fit
When people think of exercise they imagine a gym, sweating, being out of breath and hurting ourselves.
We can help to design a physiotherapy plan to help you maintain and regain mobility.
Stopping muscles and joints from seizing
Helping reduce pain through movement
Helping us become stronger and able to do more
being health and active despite the pain, disability or mental health problem
Benefits and finances
We are not financial experts.
However we will do our best to help you with:
•Understanding what benefits you are entitled to
•Where to go for help completing forms
•Learn skills to manage your finances better
•Managing your care team
•Finding companies to help you organise legal documents for your future and passing.
Managing your home
•We can help you organise your home.
•Support you to make decisions on waste removal from your home.
•Find companies that provide the services you need to maintain your home. E.g. cleaning, gardening, furniture removal etc.
Helping you to recognise potential risks and ensure your safety at home and way from home.
This includes:
•Mobility scooter training
•Using mobility equipment outside safely
•Safe manual handling when supporting others
•First aid
•Emergencies….who to call if you fall
Relationship advice and support
Living with pain, disabilities and mental health problems on a daily basis is extremely hard for the person who suffers with pain, disabilities and mental health problems. It is also hard for those who care for them and for family and friends.
•We can offer one to one support for the person that cares for you.
•Understanding how relationships evolve and change.
•How to keep yourself and others safe.
•Helping the one being cared for to remain independent.
•Avoiding common arguments
•Learning to appreciate each others needs
•Finding time for yourself / Taking a break
•Where to find support
•Working with outside care services
Diets and Superfoods
Controlling our diet and some of the food we eat, can help with reducing pain and increasing our health. We can help you to learn:
•The foods that can make pain worse or better
•Knowing what your recommended daily food allowances are.
•Food that boosts our immune systems
•Maintaining heathy weight
How to tell your story
Its hard to tell your friends and family what is happening to you when you are constantly in pain, struggling with disability and mental health issues.
•You may choose to avoid friends and people because they seem awkward or uncomfortable around you.
•We can help you or others around you feel less awkward about your condition and symptoms.
•What to say and what not to say to people struggling with pain/mental health.
•How to talk to an employer, health care worker or work coach about your illness and needs for support.
Mindfulness, Relaxation & Sleep
Being able to relax or sleep when you are suffering in pain with disabilities and mental health problems is very difficult, however any small amount of relaxation will help.
•Being mindful means understanding where pain is coming from and relaxing that area.
•Mindfulness can help you to concentrate on other sensations instead of your pain.
•You can use mindful skills to reduce anxiety, depression and help you to concentrate.
•We can also help you to learning other skills to relax your body and mind, such as mediation.
Holistic Medication and Alternative Therapies
Help finding the right balance of therapies and natural remedies to help your pain, disability or mental health.
•Some herbal medications can help to improve pain and ease side effects.
•There are also many therapies that reduce pain that are not available on the NHS
Such as chiropractors, Acupuncturists, reiki, reflexology and Aromatherapy
Some people believe in things beyond this world, lifetime and reality.
This presentation is a brief look at different ways people connect with their spirituality. Which may help you to think about your own beliefs.
We can help you to explore your feelings, values and beliefs. Getting to know yourself better.